Now that the Winter has truely set in, we are able to offer our customers some brand new Code n Chips, De-Ice for a limited time only!
This is not your ordinary supermarket De-Icer. Our special formula uses the latest technology to melt the ice on your car windscreen and the product remains on to prevent ice reforming as you drive. A premium product that car detailers use.
All you need to do, is give your windscreen a spray, using our high quality trigger. Get back in to your car and watch the ice melt. Once melting has been established, wipe away the excess with your wipers & screen wash – no need to scrape!
Our De-Ice works in temperatures down to -20C and is effective in preventing re-freezing.
We only have 7 bottles left, so grab your Code n Chips De-Ice before it’s all gone!
£7.00 per 600ml bottle and includes a premium chemical resistant trigger that can be re-used. Please contact us via email: or telephone 07702106757